Updated to include the date
Students and other readers,
First of all, please accept my apology for letting this blog go for so long. I won't divulge all that's been going on, but being busy is a part of the long time between posts, but only a part. The other part is simply "out of sight, out of mind". I'm hoping to work blogging into a schedule, so that I get you one post a week. Thank you if you're still following this.
With that said, the first thing is to remind everyone that our Spring Recital is Sunday, May 4 at Pfafftown Baptist Church, 4336 Transou Road, Pfafftown, NC 27040. The recital begins at 3:00pm. I encourage those participating to arrive early enough to assure you can be there AND relaxed/acclimated by 3:00pm. It will not be a long recital, but thanks to all of you who are participating.
I've typed up three posts here before that I encourage EVERYONE to please read again. Click on each link below to review.
Recital Etiquette, Where to Sit, Etc
More recital basics.
and finally:
How to ensure you'll play your best.