Monday, March 30, 2020

Note Identification Exercise Tutorial (2020 update)

Hello everyone!  While all lessons are online for the time being, and we're all getting used to a new normal, I am going to get in the habit of posting here at least once a week throughout this quarantine period starting now.

This first post is just a video.  It's not for everyone, but probably is needed for a lot of you.  If you want to skip this post, can you honestly answer yes to the following questions?

Can you name all of your notes? treble AND bass clef?
Is it instantaneous?
Really, can you name any note without even having to think about it before you say or play it?
Do you always remember to include the key signature when you name a note?

Okay, if you gave an honest yes, thanks for stopping by.  I'll see you next week.  For everyone else, the Note Identification Exercise on is a valuable exercise.  Depending on your level, there are many ways you can use the exercise.  Here is a 9-minute video.  I apologize in advance for some annoying microphone noise at the beginning and near the end, but I hope this will help you set up your exercise so that you can benefit in getting more accurate AND faster at your note recognition.

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